In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
May I first start with saying that Alhamdulilah; the Islamic month of Rajab has initiated since Tuesday. “Verily, the number of months with Allaah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allaah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islamic calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein” [al-Tawbah 9:36] This month’s article circulates around happiness. My version of #HappyMuslim. This is written by me for me first and foremost before you. Happiness and Sadness is something that is continuous in one’s life. Some individuals claim that being happy is nothing but an imagination and we should be miserable always which is false. Ibn Taymiyah, May Allah is pleased with him described his feelings as follows: ‘What can my enemies do to harm me? Will they imprison me? At privacy and solitude, and if they kill me, then I am a martyr, (Shaheed), and if they expel me, then it’s traveling for the sake of Allah.’ Having money that take you onto luxurious holidays; buys clothes; cars and houses etc. All this is nothing but an illusion where one starts to think of the origin of everything such as cotton is from trees; the silk is from the worms’ stomach. Jewellery is from metals obtained from rocks. Happiness is something that cannot be brought with money nor measured by quantity. The meaning of happiness is faith that is followed by action; sacrifice; striving to adhere to the Quran and Sunnah to seek Allah’s pleasure alone before mankind and trying to do the best they can to reach their ultimate goal that is everlasting; Jannatul Firdous rather than being happy with temporary pleasure that will perish; Duniya (The present world). Happiness is bearing the hardships and difficulties and training oneself to be patient and remember Allah during calamities knowing that Allah loves him/her and Allah does not give a test that His servant cannot bear. This is not to say that when one is afflicted with trials that when they cry or have grief; they have low imaan (faith) in Allah subhanahu wa taala. People deal with trials differently but the ultimate aim is to thank Allah for there is wisdom behind every trial and it strengthens one’s faith in the long run. Let me give you an example. When I am sad I tend to move away from the environment or atmosphere that has caused me sadness. It is not about not facing the situation or not being content or not accepting the decree; but is more showing your weakness to Allah subhanahu wa taala alone. I was referred as ‘the bahr al samita’ the silent sea. Happiness is like a tree. Imaan (faith), accepting the Qadr (Decree) of Allah whether good or bad and Sabr (Patience) is its water, air and light that allows the tree to grow. In other words; allowing the happiness to grow, support and aid in the human soul. Thus, during times of good and hardships. Rememberance in Allah is vital. It is like the vitamins for the body and soul. A hadith states that Allah says: ‘I will be what my servant thinks of me, and I am with him when he remembers me, and when he remembers me alone, I remember him alone, and if he remembers me or mentions me in a group I will mention him in a group better than that’ [Bukhari and Muslim] Another hadith states: ''From the happiness of the son of Adam is that he accepts what Allah decrees, and the misery of the son of Adam is that he rejects, and rebels against what Allah decrees”. [At-Tirmidhi] Besides remembrance of Allah, reading and understanding the Quran followed by implementation is another way in which one will find happiness. The Quran has not been sent to be just read only while neglecting its guidelines. And whoever seeks it from other than the Glorious Quran will gain an ultimate loss not only in this life but the Hereafter. In Surah Taha verses 1-2: ‘Taha, we have not sent down to you The Qur'an that you be distressed or miserable’. In another verse 123 of the same Surah: ‘Allah says: Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress and misery’ In Surah Saad verse 29: ‘(This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember.’ I will share with you a story narrated by Sheikh Abdur Razzaq Al Badr in his lecture The Quran the Book of Happiness. A few years ago a man called me after Asr prayer and he said; ‘I have a question; but before the question I want to inform you about my condition.’ He said: ‘I am twenty-seven years old and I cannot move any part of my body except for my head.’ I said: ‘How long have you been in this condition?’ He replied: ‘For two years.’ I said: ‘What caused that?’ He replied: A car accident. I said to him: ‘Where are you living?’ He replied: ‘In such and such a place.’ I said: ‘I want to visit you.’ So I visited him the same day. He began to narrate to me his story, and it was a long story. I sat with him for an hour and a half; and most of the time I was listening and benefitting because his life contained a lesson. He said a statement to me which is the point of reference for the story and I will not be lengthy with the details. He said to me: ‘By Allah, verily now I feel a delight which I walked for a long time on my feet in search of but did not find’. Before the accident I was negligent and after the accident I became one who turns to Allah, with remembrance, praying, and reciting the Quran. One of the noble brothers brought for him a computer device that works by voice control; because his hands do not move. He tested it in front of me. He spoke to the computer and the Surah he wanted opened. And he spoke to the computer and the verse he wanted opened. He spoke to the computer and the Tafseer he wanted opened. The Quran was in front of him, he read and memorized, and he read the Tafseer and he did not need to turn the pages with his hand or to call anyone to turn the pages for him. The verse he wanted he would request it directly, and if he wanted its Tafseer he would request it directly. And he said: ‘By Allah, verily now I feel a delight which I walked for a long time on my feet in search of but did not find.’ Thus let the faithful person take a lesson and take a warning. A true story that remains with me. I will conclude this article by saying when you are searching for happiness, search within you, find your purpose, look at the tools that Allah has given you to seek help and make use of them. In Remembrance of Allah; hearts will find rest.
December 2018
OverviewThis is where I will post my articles. I will do an article each month in sha Allah |